Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Media Story 10/12/12 Digital Media Crisis

Apple Maps 'is life-threatening' to motorists lost in Australia heat

Inaccuracies in Apple Maps could be "life-threatening" to motorists in Australia's searing heat, police have warned.

Officers in Mildura, Victoria, say they have had to assist drivers stranded after following the software's directions.

Some of the drivers had been without food or water for 24 hours.
Apple's software was heavily criticised by users when it was released in September.

Last week, chief executive Tim Cook admitted Apple had "screwed up" and was working to improve the program.

However, Apple soon backtracked, posting an apology notice on its website.
"We are extremely sorry for the frustration this has caused our customers and we are doing everything we can to make Maps better," said Mr Cook.

In my opinon this is very bad for apple as a business because it could lead customers or potential customers not to purchase there phones and buy a phone from samsung. this means the market share will be taken over by competitors and sales and profits will decrease for Apple. they need to compensate these customers to earn the respect back.


Thursday, 6 December 2012

Participation debates - media and democracy

Has Web 2.0 and the explosion in social networking really opened up new opportunities for democracy?


· A form of government in which all eligible people have an equal say in decision making

· System of government used in most countries in the world except one-party states such as China, dictatorships such as Libya and non-symbolic monarchies such as Saudi Arabia.

· The X Factor as an example: in the 2010 series, 15,488,019 million votes were cast by viewers to decide the outcome of the programme.

o an example of media democracy at work

· Pre-digital era, there were very few ways in which audiences could make their voices heard.

· Digital revolution and Web 2.0 have given users the opportunity to communicate ideas globally through the use of social networking

o Series Six, winner Joe McElderry was held off the crucial Christmas No.1 spot in the British charts by ‘foul-mouthed rockers’ Rage Against The Machine.

§ Half a million Facebook users joined an anti-X Factor campaign to protest at the state of the modern music industry

· The uprisings in Egypt and Libya couldn’t have happened without the use of Twitter and Facebook

· It was probably the mobile phone and its evolution into a convergent device that enabled these uprisings

o Could communicate on the move and keep one step ahead of the authorities

· in the countries now experiencing this ‘Arab Spring’, access to mobile technology and the internet is still limited to a relatively small elite

· Not yet seen true democracy through the media.

· Internet has empowered its users by giving them unparalleled instant and almost unmediated access to unfolding news stories

o This had bypassed the hegemonic institutions that control the dominant media discourses in society

· Blogging is another way that the media are becoming more democratic.

o Blogs have as much access to global audiences as Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation

§ July 2011 the most popular blog was not FailBlog or PerezHilton but The Huffington Post, a well-respected political blog with 54 million monthly readers.

· Some of the most significant events of the last ten years have been communicated by ordinary people who just happened to be in the right place at the right time

o For example the iconic video footage of the attack of 9/11

· Citizen journalism can do is provide eyewitness accounts and subjective angles on stories to complement the work of professional news organisations.

· We have entered a new age when audiences are producers and the traditional power structures are being forced to listen.

In the age of media 2.0 - six questions about media and participation

· last ten years, we have moved into a new age of participatory media

· Web 2.0’ – has brought about a much broader media revolution

· The world of Big Media is no more

· ordinary people are no longer mere consumers of media, but also producers

· Vertical, top-down communication has given way to horizontal, networked communication.


· blogs and online forums provide opportunities for ordinary people to have their say

· wikis enable us to collaborate and share knowledge in ways that challenge elites and experts

· social networking sites, we can represent ourselves and connect with other people in new ways

· Youtube allows people to distribute their media globally

· Don’t depend on getting past editors or gatekeepers

· Can be accessed by anyone anywhere

· Reflects a desire for a fairer, more democratic and creative society

· Web 2.0 coined by digital marketing entrepreneur; Tim O Riley – 2001

· An attempt to rebrand internet business after the bursting of the .com bubble

· Tim Berners –Lee – the basic technologic infrastructure have been around since the beginning of the internet.

· Long history of utopian views about new media and technology

o Some say its liberating

o Will be “power to the people”

· Will undermine power of political elites and big corporations

· Will create now forms of collaborations

· Will allow ordinary people to express themselves

= Ultimate effects of these new technologies were much less revolutionary and more complicated

· kind of technological determinism here - the idea that technology will bring about revolutionary social change

· Yet technologies do not come from nowhere

o created in response to wider social, economic and cultural developments

· impact is Dependent on how they are used, by who, and for what purposes


· innovations are adopted in uneven and often unequal ways

· agency Hitwise – suggest that the number of active participants is very low

o less than 0.5% of YouTube users actually upload material,

o Very little of that material is originally produced, rather than pirated clips from commercial media.

· striking social inequalities in participation

· gender differences – young women are leading the way in areas like blogging, while young men tend to dominate video-sharing

· Class differences

o young people from high-income families who are most likely to be posting or sharing online

o people in disadvantaged communities do increasingly have computers at home, they are less likely to have the multimedia capabilities

· ‘Digital divides’ are still apparent

· Young people from wealthy, middle-class families are also more likely to have books at home to use the internet for education and to participate in creative or arts-related activities offline

· The most active participants in the creative world of Media 2.0 are the people who are already privileged in other areas of their lives.

· While younger people initially drove the uptake of social networking sites; older people are now the fastest-growing group of subscribers

· Twitter is largely dominated by middle-aged people.

· Young people are usually the ‘early adopters’


· often assumed that participation is necessarily a Good Thing

o But there is a real problem in defining what counts as participation, or as ‘creating content’

· A difference between posting a comment and editing publishing and uploading a video

· Only a very small proportion of users are generating original content: most are simply ‘consuming’ it as they always have done.

· Enthusiasts for participatory tend to ignore superficial practices of the majority of people

· research on amateur video-making found that it continues to be dominated by home movies of family life

o kept as a record that people imagine will be watched at some time in the future

o rarely edited or shared

· People rarely see it as having anything to do with what they watch in the mainstream media – let alone as a challenge to the power of Big Media.


· “Technology is shifting power away from the editors, the publishers, the establishment, the media élite… now it’s the people who are taking control.”

o radical media activist from a 2006 interview with the notorious Rupert Murdoch

· Alerts us; there are large commercial interests at stake in these developments.

· two richest and most profitable global media corporations are now Google and Facebook

o Both increasingly diversifying from their initial business

· The rise of democratic participation in the media could also be seen as a matter of the growing concentration of power in the hands of a small number of global companies.

· very uncertain business

o YouTube (now owned by Google) took five years from its launch before it finally came into profit

· MySpace, have undergone a rapid rise and fall.

· internet is an exceptionally efficient medium for niche marketing and for targeting individual consumers

· detailed information about our preferences and buying habits is being gathered unknowingly through cookies

o Specifically targets certain people


· Much of this marketing is itself ‘user-generated’ and ‘interactive’

· most obvious in the case of viral marketing

o consumers are recruited to distribute commercial messages on behalf of companies

· Orange has picked up on the idea of ‘user-generated content’ by running competitions for consumers to create videos to promote their products.

· Soren Peterson - ‘loser-generated content’

o A great deal of unpaid labour goes into the production of blogs

· issue with fan websites

o celebrated by enthusiasts for Media 2.0

· fan websites are about consumers taking back control of the media

o J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers, who own the Harry Potter franchise – have taken legal action against fans who have used and reworked their materials in making fan fiction,

· They may be active participants, but they are also the ultimate consumers.


· it’s clear that we are in a period of significant change

· Is it really liberating or empowering ordinary people to take control of the media?

· reasons to doubt this

o digital media are not likely to result in a society of creative media producers

o like ‘old’ media, these new media are driven by commercial imperatives – and that means that some people are bound to benefit from these developments much more than others

o There is democratic promise but it will require more than technology alone

Media Story Leveson Report 03/12/122

Leveson Inquiry: Scottish expert group to examine report
An expert group is to be set up in Scotland to study the recommendations contained in the Leveson Report into press ethics.
It follows a meeting between First Minister Alex Salmond and opposition leaders on how revamped press regulation might operate.
The Lib Dems said the meeting had been a first step, while the Tories said they were reserving judgement.
Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie said after the meeting: "The expert group will look at all options and I'm pleased a UK-wide solution is on the table.
"Liberal Democrats want self-regulation of the press underpinned by law to provide for quick, simple and cheap redress for victims. Today is the first step on the road to achieving that goal."

"The expert group will be led by a current or former judge, and all parties that sign up to its formation can suggest potential additional members to provide their expert analysis."

The Leveson Inquiry into the culture, practice and ethics of the press has published its report. Here are the key points.

  • New self-regulation body recommended
  • Independent of serving editors, government and business
  • No widespread corruption of police by the press found
  • Politicians and press have been too close
  • Press behaviour, at times, has been 'outrageous'


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Web 2.0 – Participation or Hegemony Summarised

It is argued that Web 2.0, often referred to as ‘we media’, democratises the media, as anyone with a web connection can create and publish texts (‘user-generated content’); we no longer have to rely upon professional organisations (or traditional ‘old’ media) to act as the gatekeepers.

Some observers believe this has led to ‘dumbing down’ and ‘the cult of the amateur’ (see Carr, 2011); ‘dumb’ and ‘amateur’ because anyone, regardless of ability or expertise, can create texts

However it’s virtually certain that in the old, pre-internet days they would have had no chance. In April 1979 Blair Peach was killed in similar circumstances, and to this day no one has been charged with his death.

The argument that the internet has a liberating political function arises, in part, because authorities cannot control it as it is a decentralised network:

it was widely believed that cyberspace might challenge the authority of nation-states and move the world to a new, post-territorial era

The reality is that Twitter is an information-distribution network, not that different from the telephone or email or text messaging, except that it is real-time and massively distribute
countries like China and Iran have successfully controlled the general population’s access to the internet, and so have prevented the free circulation of information.

However it has also been argued that social networking sites have facilitated the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings

Politically, then, the internet has given the people a potentially powerful tool to communicate with each other, and so to challenge their rulers

What appears to be happening is that YouTube is now used more frequently as a commercial network for promotional and catch-up purposes that runs alongside, and probably dominates, the original, usually trivial, user-generated content.

What appears to be happening is that YouTube is now used more frequently as a commercial network for promotional and catch-up purposes that runs alongside, and probably dominates, the original, usually trivial, user-generated content.

We – the audience – no longer have to rely upon the token ‘access’ traditional media offered us, such as newspapers’ letter pages or radio phone-ins. Today we can easily produce texts ourselves, even if we seem to be more interested in mimicking traditional media by becoming YouTube celebrities, or watching music videos and/or television programmes by favourite artists.

Exam Question Answer

Developments in new/digital media mean that audiences can now have access to a greater variety of views and values.  To what extent are audiences empowered by these developments?

New and digital media has empowered audiences development hugely, a consumer can now produce his/hers own text and post it up on to an internet site such as a blog or even a video clip on to YouTube, free of charge and by a few clicks. This can then turn into a big hit for the consumer, all it takes is the video for example to start trending and becoming popular and within minutes you could see the views rise to thousands. 30 years ago a consumer didn’t have a chance to either become known or have his/hers word put out other than if they worked in a profession of journalism as all news was spread via newspapers, radio and television broadcast.  This meant gate keepers had more of a choice/grip on what they show the audience in terms of the amount of information they give out on a certain story or maybe not even covering the story as it will not “entertain” viewers.

New digital media has gradually made it harder and harder for institutions to keep the news from consumers, because of YouTube the news must provide actual 99 per cent truth in any articles they cover because all it takes is for one consumer to upload a video of the article being covered and in the footage it shows the truth whereas in the news it has been tweaked. This is why new digital media has now made institution think twice before editing their news to such a certain extend because they know if this did happen then the reputation will decrease for the institution amongst viewers which in the end means a decrease in viewers which affects sales.

In this society as new and digital media keeps on developing consumers would rather now trust other consumer news and would value it more than for example sky news. We now live in an era where the shaky camera phone footage is valued more than a high definition shot camera by a professional camera man with a professional journalist giving his/hers script as it unfolds.

YouTube has allowed consumers to become producers, consumers now want to capture anything even if it is life threatening for them just to make sure that they could upload this on to YouTube later for the world to go bonkers over. This is how audiences are empowered by these developments they would rather put their life at risk to capture these moments that no other person or institution would be able to capture.

Overall new and digital media has played a huge success and has driven many institutions down, as a consumer of the news I now trust other consumers through their YouTube blogs. I rather read an article from a consumer who was actually there at the event and can give their insight into what had happen, rather than a professional journalist who may be given a biased view or even so a view which his editor has scripted just to catch the audience’s attention and draw them to their news station or paper.

News Article 22/11/11 Gangnam Style Smashes Records

Gangnam Style becomes YouTube's most-viewed video
Gangnam Style, the dance track by South Korean pop phenomenon Psy, has become YouTube's most-watched video of all time.
It has notched up more than 808m views since it was posted in July

The dance has sparked numerous copycat versions, being performed by a diverse fan-base including Filipino prison inmates, prominent Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and a Chinese robot.

Quoted from proffesor Zamaan Khan " has sparked a global dance craze "

 Gangnam Style, which won best video at this year's MTV Europe Music Awards, has also been number one in 28 countries.

It holds the Guinness World Record for the most "liked" song ever - currently with a little under 5.4m likes on YouTube.

Previously, Justin Bieber's 2010 teenybopper hit Baby held the record for the most YouTube views.

Take a look at the global boom  ...

My conlusion

Personally this is amazing to see how a foreign non english "song" "dance" has become such a huge hit accross the world. It is unusuall to see such a thing become a massive hit, but then this just shows how strong new digital technology is, the internet has created such a craze that this video was able to be watched all over the world by 808 million people. This just shows the strength the internet can have and how it can break " world records". An internet craze has also seen political figures get involved such as Ban Ki Moon, which you would have not seen 10 years ago but because of new digital media the society is able to accept this now. Futhermore 30 years ago people wernt able to see such things as youtube didnt exist which meant people werent able to watch such things and music starts were not able to spread their music as much. This is why I say the internet or new digital media is a postive change. 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

News Article 19/11/12 * PayPal Hacker*

Anonymous cyber hackers 'cost PayPal £3.5m
A student attacked the PayPal website as part of a concerted effort by the Anonymous "hacktivists" that cost the company £3.5m, a court has heard
Christopher Weatherhead, 22, was studying at Northampton University when he allegedly took part in the campaign
The court was told Anonymous were self-styled "hacktivists" who believed everything on the internet should be free
MasterCard, Visa, Ministry of Sound, the British Recorded Music Industry and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry were also hit.

My conclusion

This is fantastic that Paypal was hacked, hackers are using the internet as a way to put across there word ! they will not be heard any other way. The argument these hackers have i fully suppourt because I also feel the same. Companys need to have a more secure system if they dont want things like this spreading and becoming a daily issue. Hope these hackers are let off on this occasion, good on ya lads !

Virtual Revoloution 2 Notes

  • Stephen Fry = "Web is a tool box"
  • June 2009 Iran Youtube UGC, oppositions protested with tweets.
  • Al Gore = "more profound impact, than the printing press"
  • The web allows you to participate & interact & challenge. It is mobile and unmediated.
  • Ceo of Amazon Jeff Bezoz = " We change our tools and tools change us"
  • No central controll, cant be shut down which means its a threat to goverments. E.G wikileaks
  • Web information is free!
  • Globalization
  • 1/4 of the population connected to the internet
  • China = 253 million web users which is increasing their economic growth
  • 300 thousands centres operating in china
  • PayPal Peter Thiel= money can be moved across national borders
  • 60 thousands transactions every year it is safe to use
  • Peter Theil= "new world currency"
  • Facebook: 350 millions users could be the third largest country
  • Paypal was invented late 1990's in San fransisco


  • Al Quaeda/Taliban--> used internet as a way of spreading their message across
  • use it as propaganda- images of dead/shock tactics/ videos
  • cyber cafes: been traced for terrorists activities
  • Internet replaces the borders between countries
  • "use it to spread their word, they use it to controll"
  • Cyber-balknization
  • "web collapses the internet beetween us"
  • 'portable homeland'  web allows them to live in their own world
  • 2007- Astonia known as the 'wired country'- 97 % of most banking transactions are conducted
  • Cyber Attack- shut down banks, businesses and goverment sites. Deinal of service
  • April 2007 a row broke out with the russians
  • mass demonstrations were organised through Web
  • cyber self defence
  • actions by civil society
  • web is a democracy

Media News Jimmy Savile Investigation 19/11/12

BBC Newsnight Child Abuse Scandal
How new digital media has played a role in the investigation
In summary what has happend is that ITV presenter Phillip Schofeild handed a peice of paper that he got from the internet to the Prime minster on live telivison. This list showed a list of alleged pedophiles and gay couples, this lead to controversy as the list was un reliable as it was pulled from the net. This then led to the BBC on newsnight putting allegations against Lord McApline who is a previous conserative party member. They alleged him to be a pervet without having any evidence which has lead to the BBC & ITV being fined for accusing someone and putting their life at risk with abusive messages which resulted into the public using social media "twitter" to abuse Lord Mcapline  including tweets from Sally Bercow the House of commons speakers wife. All the allegations are false and Lord Mcalpine is now taking compensation for the damages that were made to him from BBC, ITV and the people who tweeted him.
To summarise its amazing how what you say on Twitter can be used to back fire on you and can be used as evidence in court. This is the negative affect of social media when people use it for the wrong reasons, it is there to communicate with each other and to socialize, not to be used as a way to abuse someone or talk bad about someone regardless of "freedom of speech". I feel the people who did abuse Lord Mcalpine with these tweets should be banned from Twitter for 2 years as a punishment, that will hurt them ;).
Tory peer Lord McAlpine said it was "terrifying" to find himself "a figure of public hatred" after he was wrongly implicated in child abuse allegations.
He spoke after a BBC Newsnight report on child abuse in north Wales care homes led to allegations on the internet that he was a paedophile.

He also said the BBC had left him with a "legacy" that "can't be repaired

He added the BBC "should have called me" and he would have told them "that it was complete rubbish".

"They could have saved themselves a lot of agonising and money, actually, if they'd just made that telephone call."

Mr Reid urged those who had named Lord McAlpine on the social media site Twitter to come forward.

He said Sally Bercow, wife of Commons Speaker John Bercow, had not yet been in touch to apologise for her tweets.

She tweeted on Thursday that she maintained her tweet was not libellous, "just foolish".

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Letter to Greedy Murdoch


Mr Rupert Murdoch
Recently it has risen to my attention from some research I have conducted, that you’re considering to start charging for your online news content. Firstly before I continue I want to state how disappointed I was when I found this to be true. I admire the work you have done and support you abundantly from a business perspective such as by building yourself a successful empire.

As a young adult in this society I can understand many people my age don’t care about news but when they do, they turn straight to the e media platform to get the news they want. By charging for this content you will be closing the doors on educating and informing people which goes against the ethics of the internet, as it was created to inform individuals. You have such a successful empire already which earns over millions annually why would you want to make more money from us? Especially in a time of recession where consumers are finding it hard to live and are spending their money wisely, what makes you think that this move will be successful and increase your profits?

The rise of UGC has seen consumers become producers, it has also allowed citizen journalist in which now consumers/readers put all their trust into and would rather read articles produced by the "average person". I feel charging for online content will just turn readers away from your institution and they will go to UGC which is free and get all their news from there, it may not be so accurate but then yet again nor may your news articles be as you have many gatekeepers excluding vital information from the readers.
Digital revolution has played an important role in this era it has given users a better way to consume what they want, where they want all for the cost of £0. This then leads me into social networking which has become a popular way for people to interact and breaking news can be spread within seconds whereas your news content would take some time to update. This then becomes an issue on why would consumers want to pay for late news from your online platform? when social networking such as twitter provides it much faster.

In conclusion Mr Murdoch you make enough money from your print/brodcast system which I understand has decreased in the last couple of years, but it's till surviving and making you money, you should be happy with that. There is no reason to charge for anything more unless you want to see your empire crash. The new generation don’t want to spend their hard earnt money on unnecessary things, so make the right choice and keep your content free. You can still make money from E media, via advertisements; if you keep it free you will have a higher demand, which means you can charge more for your advertisements.  

Please take this letter into consideration and make the wise decision.

You’re sincerely,


Thursday, 15 November 2012

News Article 12/11/12 * BBM Offers Free Calls *

Blackberry introduces free wi-fi calls on BBM chat tool
Blackberry has become the latest smartphone to offer free wi-fi calls to users via its own software.
Research In Motion (RIM) has added the facility to its Blackberry Messenger (BBM) app, which already offered an alternative to text messages.
BBM Voice will only work if both caller and recipient are using the program

BBM Voice screenshot

BBM has previously been able to send voice notes. And other Blackberry apps - such as TringMe and MobileVoip - already offer access to free calls.

However, users will now be able to use BBM's popular text tool at the same time as they are having a free phone conversation.

While the move helps bring RIM closer in line with its rivals, it still lacks the video chat functionality and 3G-support found in Apple's Facetime, Microsoft's Skype and Google+ Hangouts.

My Conclusion

I feel this is a little to late for RIM to introduce this tool because now people are switching their blackberrys for an I phone or Samsung S3. The "hype" of blackberry has now died now due to less users currently using it. Personally for me blackberry was a big thing about 3 - 4 years ago, since then it has slowly downgraded due to better handsets that have come out on to the market for example I Phone.
Blackberrys are more for young teenagers who use it to socialise with one another, the use of whats app is another factor people have turnt to other handsets as it is similar to BBM. For blackberry this is a good tool to introduce but i think its to late for them to cause havoc again, i wish RIM the best of luck :) . In the next two weeks i will be throwing my Blackberry in the garbage truck and will be setting my hands on the new I Phone 5 (Cant wait), sorry Blackberry your phones are slow and faulty :D

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

News Article *5/11/12* Barack Obama victory tweet

New & Digital Media Takeover
Barack Obama victory tweet becomes most retweeted ever
US president tweets 'four more years' with picture of himself hugging Michelle
Barack Obama has celebrated winning another term as US president by tweeting a photograph of himself hugging his wife, Michelle – which almost immediately became the most popular tweet of all time.
The tweet, captioned "Four more years", had been shared more than 400,000 times within a few hours of being posted and marked as a favourite by more than 70,000.
A decade ago this type of story line would not have made headline news because we didn’t have advanced technology which allowed us to use a service like twitter. It is amazing how now a political issue has been spread over the internet and has become the most shared tweet ever. Apart from the media side, it is good to see people of all ages showing interest in the news and on global issues. I feel social networking such as twitter has been a benefit to society rather than a hindrance because it allows us to keep up with issues around the world, which has been shown today by this historic event. Congratulation Mr. President J