Thursday, 27 September 2012

Weekly News Topic 24/9/2012 * Google Maps *

Google adds coral reef panoramas to Street View maps
Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef
Google have added coral reefs onto there unique "google maps street view" it allowers internet surfers to now explore images of the under world and navigate there selves around the coral reefs. This is the first time Google have provided images from under the water. It has been established to help scientests but even more it is a real boost for the organization in a time where competiton is high.
"We want to be a comprehensive source for imagery that lets anyone explore anywhere," Jenifer Foulkes, Google's ocean programme manager.
Underwater camera 
These are the camera's that were used to snap these beautifull pictures.
To do so, they developed a submersible fitted with three wide-angle lenses designed to take high resolution images in low light conditions.

The equipment took a 24-megapixel photograph from each lens once every four seconds to provide 360-degree views, as the rig moved over the reef at about 2-3km/h (1-2mph).

My Summary
Overall I think this is great thing that Google has done, its a fantastic step up in the terms of digital media. People say the internet can do everything, but as it shows big organizations like Google have the space for more great ideas which improve's our internet experience as consumers. 
This will also help students, scientests and teachers, this will allow universty students understand and help them with their studies as they will be able to refer to these images. Teachers can also use upto date pictures just a finger click away to explain and show children learning about coral reef's for example in Geography.
On the other hand I feel this is negative because there is no privacy and it shows how big organizations have to power to do what ever they want to do even under water?. This then could argue does google have the power to watch us without us knowing, using the high technology they have. Ignoring the data protection act ? .

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