Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Case Study Questions

1}}} Has new and digital media had an impact upon ownership and control of the media institution(s) involved in your case study area?  Explain in detail any impact and what exactly has changed

New and digital media has had an huge impact on smart phones, we are now able to use our phones for much more things then we ever used to be able to do. For example online banking is now available for us to do on the go, for example on the way to work which makes it easier for users to use there time effectively. Whereas  20 years ago users were only able to play low budget games on there phone. This is called convergence.
Today the main ownership and controllers of smart phones are Apple, Samsung and HTC. These businesses have seen there sales go rocket shooting high. There was a legal case against Apple and Samsung, Apple was claiming that samsung had copied some on the elements from there phones.  
On the other hand, statistics show that IOS is the market leader, with over 6 million users owning an apple I phone. Blackberry has seen sales drop as more and more people leave for an apple or samsung handset. This could be because these smart phones provide more apps and are able to do more things such as the usage of apps. Blackberry has recently fired back and have tried to regain there spot as a smart phone leader also tried to regain a place in the smart phone market with their attempts to introduce a new phone and operating system, which is quite similar to the I Phone and Samsung Galaxy.
As technology increases, it becomes harder for owners to have control of the market, new phones with new digital media mean more people want it so they can use it, this means an increase in sales and profits for the institution.
Furthermore, the market leaders in the mobile handset competition have changed from a few years ago when Nokia was the leading phone company , however as the use of smart phones have recently increases Nokia are finding it hard to regain ownership and are behind competitors such as Apple and Samsung.

2}}} What impact has there been on the way in which the audience now consume the media products/ texts involved in your case study?  How does it differ from what went before?  Consider (SHEP)

The main way which the audience now consume media text from smart phones is mostlt through WIFI as most things now need internet connection to run smoothly and accuratly. Mobile phone businesses now provide contract plans where free internet or some type of internet data is given. whereas 15 years ago the average person wouldnt even have a contract they would be using pay as you go and wifi on the mobile handset was unavaliable.
This shows how people have begun to use new and digital media to there advantage, knowing that the internet can run wireless to a mobile phone is what users want and are now paying for by going onto contract plans. Having the internet avaliable at all times is what makes users lives easier as it means they are able to surf the world wide web at any given time.
As I explained above about apps, the internet gives the chance for users to go onto there app store and purchase apps which they want. this is where large media organizations start making money from its users. The use of the internet on handsets mean users dont have to text each other anymore which costs money, they can use a free service which has replaced texting its called Whats app this is designed for people to talk and interact with there freinds for free. This is the Benfiets to users.
Take a look at some infographics below 

3) What impact has there been on how the media institution now has to produce the texts and the way in which the texts/ products are distributed and exhibited?  This should involve a detailed textual analysis of at least 3 texts to demonstrate the point.

4) Is the size of the audience any different now than before the impact of new and digital media (or has the pattern of usage changed)? E.G. consider for the impact of new and digital media on TV broadcasting the change in audience ratings for programmes as a consequence of the deregulation of TV.  (Prior to deregulation audience figures could be 20m+ for Eastenders etc to a situation today where, due to the massive number of channels now available, audiences are vastly reduced and fragmented).

10 years ago audiences had no access to on demand on access to watching television programmes at a later date. For example when east enders was on such as the Christmas special it meant that every viewer had to watch bb1 at that very time to make sure they didn’t miss the episode. This meant institutions such as the BBC had a higher viewing figure and also as there was less channels around which meant there would be more of a demand for channels that were available.
Today we are able to catch up, pause live television, rewind and record the programs we want. We now have the choice and ability to watch what we want when we want, whereas before we didn’t have this choice available for us. Viewers are now able to construct their own TV schedule to when they are read to watch. This has seen figures drop in watching live television episodes such as east enders in 2012 the Christmas episode managed to draw 12 million viewers whereas 10 years ago it would attract more than 15 million viewers. The reason of the decrease could be because of competition with other channels where viewers would rather watch something else or even more viewers may have decided to watch it later when they are more free and available.
The fact that mobile phones/smart phones can now be used for various different tasks is what has changed new and digital media a lot; from before when the normal standard mobile phone could only make phone calls and texts.  This means consumers can now do more things while on the go which means they can use their time effectively by doing more tasks. Furthermore, users have become more comfortable with new technology and are now using it to the maximum of its abilities.
5) Who are the primary target audience now and has this changed?  Who was it before and how do you know?  
The primary target audience now has changed to every normal middle class person, before new technology was only for the rich and was aimed for them due to the pricey amount of the products. This is now become a normal thing for an average person to purchase as now every normal person wants to have the technology and make their life easier.
I believe the market for mobile data devices (smartphones, PDAs, mobile game machines, iPods, etc) is not structured the way most people think it is. A lot of new mobile products fail because they're not designed for the real market, or because they target imagined customers who don't really exist in large numbers.

Information below is taken from source: 
If mobile data isn't for everyone on the planet, and if the market is divided into segments, the most important question to ask is what those segments are. What are the equivalent of the sports car, SUV, and minivan for mobile?

We researched that extensively at PalmSource, in a series of surveys that eventually talked to more than 12,000 people in the US, France, Germany, and the UK. In that research, we found at least three big groups of mobile data customers, each with different needs and tastes: people who focus on communication (e-mail, messaging, conferencing), people who focus on entertainment (games, video, music), and people who focus on managing information (databases, documents, note-taking). Each was about 12% of the population.

The results were very consistent across countries, so I'm comfortable that the same segments probably exist in most European countries. The only significant difference was Germany, where the percent of the population who said they were willing to pay for entertainment features was smaller. I don't know if that's a real difference in usage, or if folks in Germany are just less willing to admit that they might use a computing device to play games.
The entertainment-focused users are generally younger than average; many are in college or their 20s. They see a mobile device as a lifestyle choice, and they're willing to pay extra for a device that'll help keep them entertained. Different people want different forms of entertainment, so there are sub-segments in the entertainment mobile market. The biggest division is game-playing vs. media (music and video). But entertainment can also include things like social messaging with your friends. It's anything you do for fun rather than a paycheck.

The communication-focused users are extroverts who live to communicate with others. They're often in people-facing jobs like sales. They're willing to pay extra for a mobile device that lets them keep up with others in multiple ways. E-mail, SMS, voice, conferencing, video calling -- basically, anything communication-related is compelling to them, and they will pay extra for a device that does it well.

The information-centric users are more introverted. Rather than focusing on their dialog with others, they tend to do a lot of thinking on their own, and want their mobile device to be a memory supplement and a means to capture new information. They're not by any means recluses, but ideas rather than social interaction are what really gets them energized, and so they're willing to pay extra for features that help them capture and remember ideas and information. What they really want is a brain extender. They often work in information-heavy jobs like medicine, law, science, and academia.

6) How have the audience responded to the changes?  Is there more customer choice?  Is there evidence of a more pluralistic model?  What evidence do you have to support this?
The audience have responded to change in a positive way, every time there is a new smart phone they are quick to line up early in the morning to purchase the new product. Consumers are now intrested in new techonolgy to make there life either entertaining or easier.  On the other hand it also creates moral panic because audiences feel that the leading smartphones organizations are making to much money. I feel that customers dont have much choice, they have to deal with what the organizations have produced.
There is also organizations producing smart phones to suit consumers, for example samsung galaxy ace is for the older generation as its simple to use and the text is large. But with the main smart phones with a lot of technology there is so much competiton that customers dont have a choice.

7) What concerns/ considerations are there (if any) for the media institutions involved in your case study as a result of the impact of new and digital media? (e.g. deskilling or multi-skilling of the workforce/ decline in workforce etc)
A concern for the impact of new and digital media on mobile phones is that consumers become lazy and allow the technology to do all the work for them. This means for example the phone can organize and plan your day for you, but becoming reliant on it could mean someones life can be controlled by techology which makes them lazy which isnt good for the brain.

The other impact is because smart phones are becoming better and better, instituions such as nikon which produces cameras may go out of business or loose sales because consumers rely on there smart phones instead. Also for gaming organzations such as Sony may loose money because people would rather play games on there smartphones, instead of purchasing a games console.

8) What are the political and social implications of the new technologies and the methods of their consumption?  E.g. moral panics etc?

The impplications are that new technology can create moral panic, as audiences may start saying how more children are spending there time on smart phones rather then studying. Technology is growing to fast and consumers are struggling to stay on track due to the price.
Moral panic of this is the pay through your phone system, this creates panic because consumers feel that if there phone becomes stolen then someone else will have access to there money and can swipe for products without inputting the pin. this is the threat of this technology increasing. The fear of fraud is what making implications which mean some consumers may not purcase the phone.
9) Consider the effects so far, and possible effects in the future, on media institutions involved in your case study (media production).

The effects so far on media insitutions are postive, Apple have become profitable organizations due to the new technology they produced, they have risen a lot in the last 10 years. They have become a well known brand in many countires and successful in most places as well.
In another 10 years consumers may seem Apple as a greedy money grabing organization, which may mean that consumers will purchase other phones and Apple could start decreasing. Another issue is because Apple dont pay there staff with a good wage even though they are a multi million pound organization, consumers may decide to boycott them and stop purchasing there products. Another affect can be that technology might freeze which mean sales can drop which could affect the organization in the future.
10) What issues may there be regarding media effects and /or regulation/ censorship as a result of changes due to new and digital media?
Some issues to changes of new media is that consumers can do more then they could do, new techonolgy provides so much freedom for users, that they are able to access information or do things which is forrbidden without being caught. One example with the Smartphones is jailbraking which means being able to purchase apps without paying for it and also using features for free. The more technology the more advanced people become which means there knowledge increases. This effect is not able to stop, instituions have to deal with this even though it reduces profits.
another issue is using mobile phone internet, such as online banking. Hackers are now able to put viruses on phones and use personal information to attract what they want. They also able to hack in to social networking sites, which is not good as it can give out information which could be private.
11) Are there any cross-cultural factors and /or effects of globalisation involved in the impact of new technology on your case study?  E.g. the internet has been said to be ‘globalising culture’ through its promotion of the English language.

Effects of globalisation is that these american companys have dominated the technology market which means they employ people from poor countries, pay them a small wage yet still make millions in profit. This means that the US stays as a strong country and still rules. It also shows the western power and that other countries have to look up to them.

12) Consider theoretical perspectives in relation to the impact of new/ digital media in your case study.  E.g. Representation of certain groups as a result of changes, Marxism & Hegemony, Liberal Pluralism, colonialism, audience theories etc.

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